Response Options Calculator (ROC)
Thank you for your interest in the use of the Genwest Response Options Calculator (ROC).
With funding from the US Department of the Interior, Shell Oil and the American Petroleum Institute, and input from NOAA, USCG and industry personnel, Genwest developed the ROC as a stand-alone web-browser-based tool for oil spill responders and planners. The ROC provided performance estimates of oil spill response systems for the three major marine surface oil spill countermeasures – mechanical recovery using skimmers, dispersant application, and in-situ burning.
The Genwest ROC application was designed and built to run within the Adobe Flash environment which is no longer available or supported by Adobe. Because of this, the ROC is no longer available for download or use as a standalone product.
Some of the same functionality from the ROC, along with many other enhanced oil spill modeling features, is available in a beta-test format from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Office of Response & Restoration (OR&R) in their WebGNOME environment. We recommend contacting the NOAA WebGNOME team via their web site or via their Contact email, with any questions.
In addition to the NOAA WebGNOME information cited above, the same Genwest team that developed the original ROC, also cooperated with the U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE), in the development of some other enhanced oil spill response and planning tools. You can find out more and download these tools at: